Tuesday 7th June

Good morning everyone! I hope you’ve had a good start to the week 😀

Here is your plan for today…


Today we will be learning about temperature (how hot or cold something is). Watch the video here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ (Week 11, Lesson 2)

If you have a thermometer at home, perhaps you could ask an adult to fill some glasses with water at different temperatures. Can you take the temperature of each one?


I hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s poem, ‘The Quangle Wangle’s Hat’. Did you notice that the Quangle Wangle was sad and lonely at the beginning of the poem, and then by the end he had lots of animal friends living in his crumpety tree! There will be more activities based on this poem this week. Here are today’s activities and the poem again for you to enjoy!

After Lunch

Art – This afternoon, we thought you might enjoy looking at the artist Kandinsky. He was an abstract artist who used lots of bright colours and shapes in his artwork. Can you create your own piece of work in the style of Kandinsky? If you don’t have access to paints, you could do just as great a job using felt tips 🙂

Take a look at the information about Kandinsky first.

I hope you have lots of fun! 😀

Miss Haines

One thought on “Tuesday 7th June

  1. Morning Class 3 and Miss Haines!
    I hope you all had a lovely weekend?

    I really enjoyed going into school yesterday and seeing some of your lovely faces and how much you’ve grown! I will be in again to see you at lunchtime.
    For those of still at home, I will be trying to catch up with you today do remember to pick me up as I’ll be on a withheld number.

    Why not try the virtual sports day, information is on the Kingsmoor page, try and beat your personal best!

    Have a great week!
    Mrs Squire😀


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