Thursday 11th February 2021

Wooohooo! It’s the last day before half term! 😀 You have all been FANTASTIC during this home schooling and should be really proud of yourselves! Now you can all have a big rest! Here is the plan for today… Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will continue to look at block graphs.Continue reading “Thursday 11th February 2021”

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good morning! Here is the plan for today… 9:00 Joe Wicks Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will be moving on to look at block graphs/diagrams. Like tally charts and pictograms, block graphs are another way of representing information. This is the sheet you will need from your work packs today: ExtraContinue reading “Wednesday 10th February 2021”

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good morning Class 3! Before we start, have a look at Elif’s nature mandala art that she did over the weekend. They’re beautiful! Here is the plan for today… Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will be looking at pictograms that count in 2, 5 or 10 and interpreting information from them.Continue reading “Tuesday 9th February 2021”

Monday 8th February 2021

Good morning everyone 🙂 I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Here is the plan for today… 9:00 Joe Wicks Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will be creating our own pictogram where each picture is worth 2. You will need your blank pictogram template that’s in your work pack (I’mContinue reading “Monday 8th February 2021”

Thursday 4th February 2021

Good morning everyone 🙂 Here is the plan for today… Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will be looking at some different pictograms and will be interpreting what they tell us. You will need the following sheet from your work pack today: Apologies about the wrong sheet that I put on theContinue reading “Thursday 4th February 2021”

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Good morning everyone! Here are some of you enjoying the paper kilims from yesterday’s afternoon activity 🙂 Here is the plan for today… Joe Wicks 9:00 Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will move on to learning about pictograms. A pictogram is a chart/graph that uses pictures to represent information. This isContinue reading “Wednesday 3rd February 2021”

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Class 3! I thought I’d start by sharing some pictures of the Maasai tribe crafts you made yesterday. They are all AMAZING! I hope you enjoyed the activities 🙂 Here is the plan for today… Flashback 4: Maths – Zoom session 9:30 Today we will continue to look at tally charts. We willContinue reading “Tuesday 2nd February 2021”

Children’s Mental Health Week

Hi everyone, This week, it is Children’s Mental Health Week 2021. Its aim is to highlight the importance of mental health within children and young people.  The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week this year is â€˜Express Yourself’. The aim is to express yourselves in a variety of ways. For example, expressing yourself can be aboutContinue reading “Children’s Mental Health Week”

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